
It is in dying that I live
only in dying that I live the life that is truly Life
when I hold on to what was once life 
or what I believe was life
I am actually holding on to death.
I can’t take hold of life if death is in my hand.  

This is the pruning, this is the pain
the cutting away of all that is vain.
The removing of all that is robbing the vine
hindering the growth of what is divine
It has the appearance of life you see
but it puts you in bondage and won’t let you be free
It lies to your heart, and it lies to your head
that if you let go you’ll be dwelling in death
Many have perished believing this lie
and this is the reason, this is why;
I am the Truth, the Life and the Way
and as you surrender you become a display
of My splendor and glory to a world lost in sin
who have yet to know there’s a way to come in.
You’ll no longer live in fear of the pain
of the cutting away of all that is vain
As the Father cuts branches 
that once looked so green
you must guard your heart against thinking He’s mean
For His motives are pure and one day you’ll see
that My death brought you life
and your death made you free.
It’s because of His love for The Vine who’s the Son
He‘s preparing a bride and making them one.
Sharon Trumps

Friday Feb 23, 2008 just a note- I have been awake since 2:30 A.M. finally upon being unable to fall back asleep, I got out of bed at 3:30. 

I can not get away from what I have just read in Andrew Murray’s book on the True Vine.  I have just finished chapter six on THE CLEANSING taken from John 15:2 Every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.  I HAVE LOST COUNT HOW MANY TIMES THAT VERSE HAS BEEN GIVEN TO ME THIS WEEK.

Some notable things he says are:  
The Vine must be pruned in order to bear fruit.

This pruning or cleansing is not the removal of weeds or thorns, or anything from without that may hinder the growth.  No, it is the cutting off of the long shoots of the previous year.  It is the removal of something that comes from within, that has been produced by the vine itself.  It is the removal of something that is a sign of the vigor of its life.  The more vigorous the growth has been, the greater the need for the pruning. WOW!

But that’s not all.

The honest, healthy wood of the vine has to be cut away because it would consume too much of the sap to fill all the long shoots of last year’s growth.  The sap must be saved up and used for fruit alone.  The branches, sometimes eight and ten feet long, are cut down close to the stem.  Nothing is left but just one or two inches of wood, enough to bear the grapes. 

It is only when everything that is not necessary for fruit-bearing has been relentlessly cut down, and when as little of the branches as possible remain, that full, rich fruit may be expected.

It is not to sin alone that the cleansing of the Husbandman refers to here.  It refers to our own Christian activity, as it is developed in the very act of bearing fruit.  It is this that must be cut down and cleansed away.  We have, in working for God, to use our natural gifts ….And yet, they are in constant danger of being unduly developed, and then trusted in. 

And so, after each season of work, God has to bring us to the end of ourselves.  He must make us conscious of the helplessness and the danger of all that is of man.  He must help us to feel that we are nothing.

All that is to remain of self is just enough to receive the power of the life-giving sap of the Holy Spirit.  What is of man must be reduced to its very lowest measure. 

The more perfect the cleansing and cutting away of all that is of self the less there will be to interfere with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

My thought:  Often times what we think of as self and what actually is of self is very different. We don’t often think of the “spiritual things/activity we are involved in as being of self, we are more prone to look to what we consider carnal or earthly as being self.  I have found in this season just the opposite to be true.  He is addressing in me this thing of trying to be who I am not.  Trying to be what I perceive other people have defined as spiritual.

I just wept as I read this particular chapter as it has totally and completely confirmed to me that despite the seeming distance of my Father right now, I could not be hearing more clearly from him.   That no matter how much I have felt confused in my soul; truly my spirit knows his voice.  That is such an overwhelming thought to me.  Jesus said, my sheep know my voice and another voice they will not follow.  It has been especially hard this time, because I know that some of the people who’s opinions I value more than others may be thinking I am totally missing God by what I have withdrawn myself from, or have not chosen to participate in (and maybe they don’t think that at all, but my perceiving that they do is a test for me) will I obey God no matter how it might make me look in the eyes of others?  It has been a very difficult season, one that is not over yet, and I can’t help but find comfort in knowing I was right in the direction I have taken.  This is not me, but him in me who is directing.  

There is a song in my head I can’t seem to get away from, it's a secular song, but I feel like the Lord is singing parts of this to me and I am singing parts of this to him.  

I could not ask for more than this time together,
I could not ask for more than this time with you,
Every prayer has been answered,
Every dream I have's come true,
And right here in this moment,
Is right where I'm meant to be,
Here with you, Here with me. . .
I could not ask for more than the love you give me,
Cause it's all I've waited for . . .
And I could not ask for more,
I could not ask for more.
Lying here with you, Listening to the rain
smiling just to see, The smile upon your face
These are the moments, I thank God that I'm alive,
These are the moments, I'll remember all my life,
found all I've waited for,
And I could not ask for more.
Looking in your eyes
Seeing all I need
Everything you are, Is everything to me,
These are the moments, I know heaven must exist,
These are the moments, I know all I need is this,
I have all I've waited for,
And I could not ask for more.

I could not ask for more than this time together,
I could not ask for more than this time with you
Every prayer has been answered,
Every dream I have's come true,
Yeah right here in this moment
Is right where I'm meant to be,
Here with you, Here with me. . .

These are the moments, I thank God that I'm alive,
These are the moments, I'll remember all my life,
I've got all I've waited for,
And I could not ask for more. .
you being here with me
I now realize, you had awakened me to be sure you would have enough time to be with me.  

It is now 5:30, the time has flown by and I hate to leave, I know I can’t reproduce this moment in time, no matter how hard I try.  I am so overwhelmed by your love, your interest in me, and your intimacy with me.  This is truly all I’ve waited for, and I could not ask for more.  Here with you here with me. WOW