Do I trust you Lord when I can’t
seem to find my way?
Do I trust you Lord when I can’t
see the light of day?
Do I trust you when people don’t
keep their word
and things in my life just seem
very absurd?
Do I trust you when my dreams go
and I don’t see come to pass what I
believed was your will?
Do I trust you when I feel I’m
alone and
need a friend to talk to but can’t
find even one?
Do I trust you when my hopes are
and the vision you gave hasn’t yet
come to pass?
Do I trust you when there seems to
be no way out,
do I stand firm in my faith
and refuse to give in to the fear
and doubt?
Do I trust that you will keep the
word you have spoken to me,
not just once but repeatedly?
Do I stand on your promises no
matter what comes
assured in my heart what you’ve
said will be done
or fix my eyes on circumstances
rather than on you?
Do I meditate upon your word I’ve
hidden in my heart
or allow the winds of the storm
tear me apart
because I’ve focused more on what I
see, think and feel
rather than what I know to be real?
That your word cannot and will not
return unto you void,
it’s accomplishing your purpose for
which it was sent
the guarantee is the price that was
the very blood of Jesus you’re only
begotten Son
the fulfillment of your promise you
made so long ago
and proof that when you speak, it
is already so.
Yes Lord, I do trust you, Lord how
could I not.
In all of my experience when I have
put my trust in you
you have never let me down you have
always seen me through.
You always exceed my expectations,
going beyond what I thought, hoped,
or dreamed.
I have come to realize the times of
darkness and times of doubt
are when you have proven that with
you I always have a way out.
Although at the time your way is
often unseen
as I take your hand and walk by
faith the path becomes more clear.
I do not need to dread, I do not
need to fear.
Yes, Lord I will trust you with all
of life’s uncertainties
for I know without a doubt the God
of all creation
is the one who walks with me.
Sharon Trumps