Know that I am with you
Although you've not yet seen
all the amazing plans I have for you
that have not yet come to be.
I know at times you feel afraid,
at times it seems so dark
and times when you are questioning
all that's in your heart.
You look back behind you
and wonder were you wrong
Then you look at where you are and
wonder Lord how long?
Before I see the future
manifest in my life
How long before I see all
that you sang over me
To draw me to Your heart.
I know right now it makes no sense,
your life the way it is
Just hold tightly to My hand,
for even this I will make bliss.
There is a time appointed
for the things that I have planned
And you will know without a doubt
when that time's at hand.
Just stay focused on the path of peace,
don't turn to the right or left
rest in Me and My love
and know I will do the rest.
Your future is so bright and clear,
I know you've seen a glimpse
Of what it is I'm bringing,
do not worry that you'll miss.
For it is by grace alone
these things will come to pass
Not by worrying or fretting
over wrongs done in your past.
You know that I have promised
to restore the years you lost.
I am giving back everything
just as if you'd paid the cost,
Because the price you have paid,
no one knows but Me.
You gave Me all I've asked you for
because of your love for Me.
I'm the one who alone knows
all the dreams that are in your heart
That you willingly laid at my feet,
Just know they're never lost.